
Top only leather west tunics

I made these for my thief but of course law-abiding sims can also were them.

Tig’s alpha tunic made top only by Silvain (meshes included, remove if you already have them)

There are two recolors for adult male and teen male (only adult shown on the pictures). The recolors have been compressed.

They model is wearing highly recommended bottoms by VampireKiss6661 (not inclued)


A Wardrobe for your CPU Medieval Girls

I have two custom body shapes in my game, the classic pinup (CPU) and the lean body builder. Because medieval clothes for the CPU-shape are scarce I made some for my own game that I though I could share just in case someone else plays a medieval game with this body shape.

CPU Martebo dress for teens and adults

The CPU Martebo dress in a conversion from my own maxis shape Martebo dress. It has all morphs. The adult dresses are enabled from young adult to elder. It is categorised as everyday, formal, gym and maternity. It has 2088 faces. It comes in the color show on the picture (Yellow only for adult). 

CPU Elven and Fiona dress

This is a CPU mesh made from the long loose base game dress with sleeves added. There are probabl similar CPU conversions out there but I didn't want the vacum packed effect. Both dresses share the same mesh and the colors are as show on the picture. The adult dresses are enabled from young adult to elder. They are categorised as everyday, formal, gym and maternity. It has 2088 faces.

CPU shift

This is a conversion of my maxis shaped shift. It is categorised as sleep, underwear and swim.The adult dresses are enabled from young adult to elder. The mesh has 2048 faces. It has all morphs.

Bonus, Gym clothes for adults

I also threw in a gym wear. It's an alpha mesh and a conversion of an outfit inspired by Witcher 3 that I made for my own game. It's only for adults and have no morphs or recolors.

Download CPU Martebo dresses

Download the CPU Elven and Fiona dresses

Download the CPU shifts

Download Ciri's Gym Clothes


Elven Gown, Aliendre's New Dress

I remade Aliendre's dress. There are two recolors. 

The dress is for  adult (enabled for young adult to elder females) and is categorized as everyday, formal and gym clothes.

The alpha editable medieval gown mesh by iamliz13 is not included but can be found here


The Golden Gown of Queen Margareta

Queen Margareta of Denmark (1353-1412) was one of the most powerful regents in Scandinavian history. She ruled over Denmark, Norway and Sweden. The golden gown which has been ascribed as Margareta’s can be seen in Uppsala cathedral.

The dress is for teen and adult (young adult to elder females) and is categorized as everyday, formal and gym clothes.

The alpha editable medieval gown mesh by iamliz13 is not included but can be found here


Tola, Viking dress for the classic pin up body shape

I converted the Frigg mesh for the CPU body shape. Because it is difficult to avoid stretching of the textures in this body shape I also added an alpha layer for the buckle broches and the necklaces instead of painting them on the dress. The recolors are enabled for young adult to elder (no teen mesh, sorry) and for BSOK. I don’t have poser and therefore cannot use Warlock's magnets so instead the vertices have been moved around by hand in milkshape and the mesh may not be perfect. The mesh is supposed to be a somewhat loose fit dress so I tried to make it look as much as fabric as I could. It has all morphs and three recolors. The mesh has 2238 faces. Let me know if you see any mistakes and I will try to fix them.

(The mesh is named “Tola” from a name on one of the runestones outside Gripsholm castle. She was the woman who had the stone raised).


Fiona's Dress, a Fantasy Medieval Dress

This is a dress that was very much inspired by Fiona’s dress in Shrek. It is for adult (enabled for young adult to elder) and teen. There are four recolors. It can be found in everyday, formal and athletic. 

The mesh is not included because most people already have it but it is a recolor of iamliz13 alpha editable medieval gown, and you can get the mesh here; here


Elven Armor

There are three layers for adult females and males. I have used Tiggerypum's alpha tunic mesh for males and Cynnix' conversion to females of the same mesh. Helmets are not included. The files are marked so that it should be easy to delete the recolours that you don't want and the layers are marked 1-3 from inner to outer layer.

all layers

Side view



Dernhelm Female Warrior

Dernhelm is the name that Eowyn uses when she is disguised as a man in LOTR. I wanted a similar outfit for my female sims and also wanted different layers of the same outfit. This is a set with three recolors (representing three layers of clothing) of Cynnix' female conversion of Tiggerypum's alpha tunic. The mesh is not included. For the male versions you need Tiggerypum's alpha tunic from the Dark Project and for Lean body builder body shape you need Cynnix' conversion.

Now also available for adult male and for the male lean body builder shape


Frigg's Dress

Frigg’s dress is a new mesh and available in three recolors and for teen and adults because I wanted a slightly looser fit around the waist and meshed sleeves to make it a more realistic apron dress with buckles, it has 2088 faces. The dress will show up in everyday, formal and excercise. Both ages have all morphs. Inspiration for the dress comes mostly from this site.


Roe's Clothes

Roe’s clothes is an alpha edit and recolor of Marvine’s Barefoot Alpha mesh for adult females. Dress 2 is with straps for the scabbard and dress 1 without.
You can find the mesh for the clothes 
Dress 2 can be found in everyday, formal, athletic and outerwear. Dress 1 can be found in all categories (because Forest people don’t change clothes for different occasions and don’t need warm outerwear  J).

The knife and scabbard are recolors of sim07027’s Red Sonja’s dagger. There are three meshes, scabbard with knife, emtpy scabbard and knife in hand. The meshes can be found at Synaptic Sim's Lair under Member’s Upload and Sharing Center – Member’s Accessoires - “Slice, Dice and Mince”. You need to register to download from Synaptic Sim’s but it is well worth it.

Dowload Roe's clothes and knife and scabbard recolors


Red wool dress (my self sim's dress)

It's a recolor of Iamliz13's mesh and it will show up in everyday, formal and athletic. The mesh is not included but you are very likely to have it already if you play a medieval game. You can download the mesh here.


Outerwear for Viking Ladies

This is a recolor of the Frigg's dress mesh. You will need the mesh from that set for this to show up. It is for teens and adults.


This dress was inspired by a picture of a dress in a book. The dress on the picture was a recreation of a dress on a sculpture on a portal in Martebo church in Gotland (which is an island outside Sweden). The mesh has a fatmorph but no pregmorph as a pregmorph would look silly on this mesh.  It’s a loose fitting dress with a belt in the waist. The upper part of the arms is wider than the lower but also the lower parts are meshed to not be very tight fitting. The church is from the 14th century so I guess that the style of the dress would fit into the early 14th century.

The dress will show up in everyday, formal and athletic and there are four recolors.

The mesh has 2088 faces.

(the sculpure in the church and the picture in the book had a headdress like the one on the picture for the green recolor)

Teen version is availabel in the same colors as for for the adult.

Please let me know in there are any problems or issues with the dress.

Download Martebo dress for adult females 

Download Martebo dress for teen females


Shift for teen to elder on a new mesh

Very little is known about female medieval underwear as linen is not well preserved and women usually weren’t depicted in their underwear. However, I have seen similar styles as this in different sources so I hope that this is somewhat historical accurate. This is a garment that was worn closest to the body and not meant to be seen under the clothes (in contrast to an underdress that could be seen under the overdress).

It only comes with block feet because I don’t play with sexy feet, but I will probably upload a sexy feet version to eventually.
Ages: Teen, adult and elder
Faces: 2048
Recolors: 3, white, yellow and brown (undyed linen)
Categories: Sleep, underwear and swim. I put it in swim because I let my sims swim in their underwear.
Morphs: All morphs for adult and teen, fatmorph for elder

 Please let me know if there are any issues and I will do my best to fix it.


Korsbetningen, The battle of Visby. Pheasant leather armor

To the left is is a photo I took at Visby museum on Gotland (Sweden).

This leather armor is a recreation of armors found  outside the city wall of Visby (the only city on Gotland). They are from the battle of Visby when Valdemar Atterdag, the Danish King, invaded Gotland 1361 . An army of farmers met a Danish army of trained soldiers (and the result was disastrous for the pheasants).
You need Tiggerypum's alpha tunic mesh from males, Cynnix' conversion to the female androgynous body shapes mesh for adult females, and Cynnix' conversion to the lean body builder shape here


Download Korsbetningen pheasant armour




Dark Elf Attack


I made some clothes for the dark elfs in my story and thought I could just as well share them. The files are somewhat inconsistently named but you can see the names on the pictures. (There are also some in-game pictures in chapter 47 of my story).

Here two leather armors for adult females. One is on a maxis base game mesh and the one to the left is on Cynnix' androgeny mesh (included).
The Dragon is the name of the character that wears these clothes in my story, that is why I named them like this. There is also a dragon on the chestplate. It comes in three versions. For this outfit you need the Marquis Ondore's mesh by Portakal 
The outfit named "DarkElfScalePlate" is available for both adult males and females. You need Tiggerypum's Tiggerypum's alpha tunic mesh for males ( which you most likely already have if you play a medieval/fantasy game). Cynnix conversion to androgeny body shape for females is included.

 Download The Dragon 

 Download the harnesk and the scale plate armor for males 

Download female armors


Three outfits for your sylvan warrior ladies

 Tauriel is a woodland elf that will appear in “The Desolation of Smaug” although she does not appear in Tolkien’s book.
I made three outfits heavily based on the released pictures of Tauriel. They are not exact copies of Tauriel’s costumes because the reference pictures are scarce and I didn’t make the collar like original.
The files are named 1-3 from left to right.

 They all use the same mesh that I made specifically for this outfit. The mesh has all morphs (but I wouldn’t recommend fighting orcs in the third trimester  :) ). Because of the problems associated with alpha meshes there are some issues with the mesh. It will not animate perfectly because I had to fiddle a lot with the bone assignments to keep the legs and the butt inside. I would not recommend using it for a closed dress. I spent hours trying to fix this and downloaded other alpha dresses to see how the bone assignments had been done just to discover that they had more or less the same problem with bleeding in the mid-front and mid-back so I gave up on trying fixing that. After all I made the mesh for Tauriel’s costumes and there are better meshes for dresses.
The mesh has 2802 faces and the outfits can be found in everyday, athletic and outerwear.
If you notice any other issues with please let me know and I will do my best to fix it.

Download Tauriel's outfits


Idun, Dress for adult Viking ladies

This dress has a mesh that is very similar to the Frigg mesh but with alpha parts for the buckles, necklace and the lower part of the outer skirt.
 Faces 2414, Vertices 1640
It has all morphs  and is only available for adult female.

The dress comes in Three colors for the highborn ladies. There is also a recolor for thralls that I don't have a picture of.

Download Iduns vikingdress



  1. Wow, these are all so lovely! Thank you for posting them, I'm particularly fond of the Martebo dress and the shifts.

    The TF shift seems to have been taken down, though?

  2. Thank you.

    I have filed a ticket to Mediafire to see if they can put it back. If nothing happens I will probably upload it to another file sharing host instead.

  3. I'm restarting the Test of Time and Roe's clothes are just right for my neanderthals. As I progress through the other eras I'll be eager to download the rest.

    I love these clothes. Some I had before when I was playing a medieval game. I picked them up elsewhere, perhaps at medievalsims.

    Thank you for sharing.

  4. The TF shift is still down - I'd love to have it if you're able to reupload it somewhere? I love the linen tunics and Roe's clothes - they're going to be great for two of the tribes in my latest 'hood! :-)

  5. I moved it to Box instead of Mediafire so now it should be available again.

  6. Hi Roe, I love your story, and the clothes are great! The download for the Dragon seems to be gone, though, any chance you could put it back up?

  7. Thank you for sharing these !!! Love your blog too.

  8. Hi there, I noticed that a few of the links are down, particularly for the Aliendre gown and elven armor. Is there any chance these can be reuploaded?

  9. Thank you for letting me know. The links to Aliendre's gown and the elven armor shoul be fixed now.

  10. Hi, the Link to Roe`s Clothes directs you to decorative Runestones, can i get the Clothing anywhere else ?

  11. So glad to find such wonderfull and historically accurate dresses for my Medieval hood. Many, many thanks!
