Under the Sea theme

These fins were made for swimming  - modified TS4 fins

I had no idea that my mermaids needed straight fins before Hat uploaded straight fins as separates. But for some reason I don't like the small side fins on the TS4 mesh so I removed them to get a more streamlined silhuette, and I wanted wholebody meshes instead of separates. 

The straight fins will not work for walking because they will clip through the floor, but why would mermaids walk anyway. I play my mermaids with Midge the Tree's mermaid mod where they change to tails in the water. 

They come in recolors to match Midge the Tree's scale overlays, blue, pink, green, purple and silver. In addition I added the blue-white TS4 texture, gold, and black. For females there are also two recolors of Sherabihms Maiden of the sea, one with the original bra and one with scales instead. Children also get the same recolor but only on the tail.

Category: swim

Ages: Children (unigender), teens and adults. Adults are enabled for young adults to elders

Body shapes: Maxis, CPU (Classic pinup), LBB (lean body builder). CPU and LBB are only for adults

Shoesound is off and fins for teens and up have all morphs and are also flagged for maternity. Children have fat morphs

From left to right: af Maiden of the sea, af Maiden of the sea alternative; af blue; afCPU green

 From left to right;  am Silver, Lbb Gold, Lbb BlueWhite, Lbb alpha on the back


From left to right;  tf Pink; tf BlueWhite; child Purple



Meduza and Gryning for converting the mermaid meshes from TS4 and for conversion of the BlueWhite texture from TS4

Almighty hat and Magical Girl Sandbox for the straight fins

Meshy for parts of the alpha

Sherahbim for the texture for the Maiden of the sea, and parts of the alpha

Free mermaid scale texture overlay by brgfx of Freepik


Adult female

Adult male

Teen male

 Teen female





Mermaid Teeth

A makeup that gives your mermaids small pointed fish like teeth. It can be found in the makeup fullface section.



Under the sea – 100 followers gift

I can’t believe that I have reached 100 followers in my simblr. Thank you all for following my simblr.

Midge The Tree’s mermaid mods inspired me to play mermaids.

I have spent far more time with this theme than I really should, but I at least it resulted in some things that I that I can share with you.

SC4 map

First of all I needed and underwater hood where my mermaids could live. For this purpose I made a new terrain without any  lakes or seas (lakes or sea when you’re already underwater seems silly). It is shipped without any decorations.If you want the terrain place the files in your “EA games – The Sims 2- SC4Terrains folder”.

SC4-map with default terrain replacement and NH deco



 Default non-road terrains (replaces the concrete terrain

Obviously an underwater world must be covered by a suitable underwater terrain. You can chose between two different default replacements of the concrete terrain. This will replace the concrete terrain in all your hoods. As with all defaults you can only have one of each terrain type (i.e only one that replaces the concrete terrain). The first terrain has a texture that will not be less seamless between lot and neighborhood. The other has a smaller sand texture that is more seamless

Terrain 1, neighborhood view

Terrain 1, lot view

 Terrain 2, neighborhood view

 Terrain 2, lot view

The roads are visible at night because of the light

During other seasons than summer, and during night the roads will be visible because of the lighting in the game which I cannot do anything about. In my underwaterworld it’s always summer (snow under water would be strange). I have lightning mods (a tweak of Gunmod’s radiance lightning) so  I don’t know if other lighting than what I have in my game might affect the look of the terrains.
To remove roads in your lots just delete them with the floor tool with the “moveobjects” cheat on.

Skydome and horizon



I also made a recolor of Lowedeus linear skydome and of Criquette’s horizon’s to get an illusion of being underwater. The sun and the stars will be visible in the sky, however (at least if you have the skyfix).

NH objects

Kelp in two different sizes (credit goes to Fractured Moonlight @ PBK)

Water plant and jellyfish group (credits goes to Fractured Moonlight and Wiccandove @ PBK)

Default hot-air balloon replacement


An underwater world also needs neighborhood deco. I replaced the hot air balloon effect with a whale, made a tunafish, and converted some objects. 

Miscellaneous objects

Merman swimsuit for the lean body builder v2 shape. I don't know it this may already exist but I couldn't find it anywhere, only other bodyshapes. This is the only male bodyshape I use besides maxis so I also wanted it for mermans. It has both morphs and is enabled from young adult to elder. All credit goes to the original creators. I only frankenmeshed the lbb upper body with the merman tail and copy pasted a texture on it. Only one color (sorry but I got lazy).

A cheaty bath sponge that raises hygien just by looking at it. I made this because it doesn't make sense for a marmaid who's already underwater to take a bath or a shower to raise hygiene.

Sharp mermaid teeth

Credits (more details in the dowload files)
Lowedeus, Criquett, Sunni, Fractured Moonlight, Cindy Sim, Marie-fay, Marvine, BeosBoxBoy and SynapticSim. Free textures from Sketchup textures.

Information about faces and where to find the object in your catalogues.

Anchor (bon voyage)
568 faces, misc

462 faces, misc

Whale (maxis)
644 faces, effects (hotairbaloon)

NH Kelp
428 faces, flora

NH giant kelp
428 faces, flora

NH Waterplant
2104 faces, flora

NH jellyfishgroup
544 faces, misc

160 faces, plumbing miscellaneous

LBB merman

1980 faces, updated for BSOK

Mermaid teeth
Can be found in full face makeup category 

Download links

SC4 terrainmap

Default objects (terrains and whale effect)

NH objects

Misc objects

1 comment:

  1. I love this ! Thank you so much for all you created <3 It's so good!
